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Uplands Dental Clinic

Fluoride Treatment in Nanaimo

Fluoride Treatment Near You

Did you know that fluoride occurs naturally in nature? The foam, gel, or liquified versions that you may be more familiar with stem from a mineral that comes off rocks and enters the water and soil.

Fluoride is very effective at preventing cavities and keeping your smile nice and healthy, and it is a treatment that patients of all ages can – and should – receive.

To learn more about fluoride treatment in Nanaimo, feel free to get in touch with our local dental clinic.

Fluoride Treatment in Nanaimo

Why Do I Need Fluoride?

Though fluoride is well-known for addressing cavities, your dentist can recommend undergoing this process because it can help treat a number of other issues, such as:

  • Tooth decay.
  • Your teeth have been exposed to excess sugar and/or carbs.
  • Oversensitive tooth roots.
  • You have deep grooves on the surfaces of your teeth that invite bacteria to gather very easily.
  • You haven’t received fluoride treatment in a while.
  • Trouble generating saliva.

It’s important to keep in mind that on its own, fluoride treatment in Nanaimo will not adequately preserve your smile. Rather, it works in conjunction with other measures and habits, including periodic dental cleanings, frequent brushing, and eating healthy. 

The Treatment Explained

Typically, the fluoride treatment will be the final step of your teeth cleaning. Your dentist will provide you with trays filled with foam, paint it onto the surface of your teeth, or ask you to swish it around your mouth. Regardless of how, the substance will remain on your smile for a minute. Then you can spit and rinse. 

At Uplands Dental, we provide convenient yet effective fluoride treatment near you. So, if you’re looking to set up an appointment to have this done, or you’d like more information, you can contact our team via phone, email, or visit our clinic in person. See you soon!